Erst einmal für ein Jahr im Königreich und dann mal sehen wo es mich hinziehen wird.....auf jeden Fall im Oktober wieder in Bamberg - vorher und nachher; wer weiß schon, wo einen der Wind hintragen wird.

Monday, February 12, 2007

My parents in England :)

Hotel Adams, in which Mum and Dad stood

3rd day: Birmingham

First day with sunshine :)
At 5pm Mum and Dad flew back to Germany, but the flight was late due to heavy rain in Germany. They had to fly to Hannover instead to Hambourg...horrible trip - anyway the weekend was great!

3/4 of the family, but Kathi is missing :(

2nd day: Warwick & Warwick Castle

Today, rain and cloudy, typical english weather

1st day: Stratford-up Avon, Campus and Royal Leamington Spa

My parents arrived on Thursday night, it was snowing and the plane was already late - England doesn't really know what to do if it's snowing, they are only use to rain ;)
On Friday we went to Stratford - we were wet all over. We went to an english tea room. In the afternoon we drove to the Campus of the Uni!

What a sunny, snowy and rainy long weekend - my parents could enjoy every weather situation!
It was such a great weekend - we went every evening for dinner and afterwards to a pub!

See ya! lots of love, Julia


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liebe Juli,
wir hatten trotz des scheußlichen Wetters ein tolles Wochenende mit dir. Nun wissen wir endlich wo und wie du wohnst, wo deine Uni ist und konnten deine Umgebung kennen gelernt.
Wir freuen uns schon riesig, wenn du mit Kathi am 19.3. in Hamburg landest und ihr am nächsten Tag auf Amrum strandet!
Endlich wieder alle zu Hause!

Bis dahin wünschen wir dir noch eine erfolgreiche Zeit in rainy England

Wir drücken dich
Dein Papa und deine Mama

February 12, 2007 4:28 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hy Juli,
I am back in Auckland and the Great Barrier was really great. I will tell you more on the phone when I am back in Old Good Germany.
It looks so cold in Europe. Here it is so warm and sunny. I went swimming on the Barrier... Now the time is over and I have to come home. I am a bit said but I am looking forward to see you, Mum and Dad and to begin my study.
I love you your little Sweety

February 13, 2007 8:41 pm


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