Erst einmal für ein Jahr im Königreich und dann mal sehen wo es mich hinziehen wird.....auf jeden Fall im Oktober wieder in Bamberg - vorher und nachher; wer weiß schon, wo einen der Wind hintragen wird.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Shopping tour

It took me ages to write sth. on my blog - I'm sorry but I was really busy because of essays and then I was ill......just 2 weeks of.....whatever!
I'm so happy that I live in Leamington now. It's much more fun, easier to meet people and much nicer town.

Every day fabulous news: First my mum and my dad are coming to visit me and then Tinchen is coming over, beginning of march I'll fly with Liz to Dublin for a weekend and then Kathi is visiting me :) It's great, I'm so looking forward to all these visits!!!!!!!!!

The last two weeks I went several times shopping with some friends - shoes, shoes, shoes and jewellery. Here is a big winter sale and I enjoy going shopping (even if I don't buy staff) then going for a coffee and back to work - studying.



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