News and Infos
two more weeks in Warwick and then the first term is over.......I can't believe that! Until next week I have to hand in one essay and one presentation but it's manageable.
On Friday I'm going to a Business Ball - uhhhh with dinner, fireworks, live band - we'll'll see - I will put pics on the blog!
I'm really looking forward to this weekend - it's not 100% for sure but hopefully I will go to London on Saturday until Sunday, longer report will follow after this week!
Jan, especially for u ;), actually it is possible to phone me ( 0044-2476413685), my email address and my skype name: inselkind99! I hope that are enough contact details..... :)
My internet is STILL not working, but what to do - being optimistic is the only choice I have and spending the whole day in the library at uni.
Holiday plans
On the 11th of December my flight goes back to HH in the afternoon. Finally, on the 12th I will arrive on Amrum (such a long journey) and on the 14th I will fly with my mum to Austria to go skiing - jipi! Over christmas I'm definitely on Amrum, between Christmas and New year's eve I will visit Johanna and Tinki (Oh was freu ich mich schon Euch wiederzusehen :) !) for a couple of days.
I'm not sure yet where I celebrate New year's eve. Anyway there are only two possiblities: Amrum or Kiel, but I think Amrum is the best choice (Malte und Hilka, ich will euch ja sehen und wieder schön in der Kniepsandhalle feiern!)
So, now you all know what I'm going to do during my four weeks holidays.......
Hugs, Julia xxxxxxxx